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Admission Promotional CampaignConnect your school with thousands of parents and prospective students on the Entrance examination guide campaign

Operating a private secondary school provides many challenges, but increasing enrollment figures shouldn’t be one of them.

The Entrance Examination Guide helps your school to be visible to thousands of parents of prospective students through publications in daily newspapers and helps you connect with parents on various Edumark online platforms.


  • Listing in the Punch, The Nation, The Guardian and other prominent Newspapers.
  • Advertorial on Edumark blogs
  • Online content distribution
  • Other marketing support.

Filling this form means that you are signing up for the EEG campaign at a fee which will be invoiced to you.

    Full Name

    Name of School

    Position in the School

    Exam Dates

    Exams Offered

    Exam Venue

    How would you want us to contact you?

    EduNews: Education News & Update Platform
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    Need to bounce off ideas for an upcoming project or digital campaign? Looking to transform your business with the implementation of full potential digital marketing?